music/daw/reaper/ MidiHoldNoteScript1

This only works if input is on channel 1 (i.e. note on is status 0x90).

desc: JDA MIDI Note Hold
// only works properly for notes with channel 0.
// else we'd need to have one held-note per channel



held_note = -1;


while (
  midirecv(mpos, msg1, msg23) ? (
    status = msg1;
    statusHi = (msg1/16)|0;
    statusLo = msg1-(statusHi*16);
    msg3 = (msg23/256)|0;
    msg2 = msg23-(msg3*256);
    (statusHi == 0x8 || statusHi == 0x9 ) ? (
      statusHi == 0x9 && msg3 != 0 && (
        held_note != -1 ? (
          held_note == msg2 ? (
            midisend(mpos, 0x80, held_note | (0x6000));
            held_note = -1;
          ) : (
            midisend(mpos, 0x90, msg23);
            midisend(mpos, 0x80, held_note | (0x6000));
            held_note = msg2;
        ) : (
          midisend(mpos, 0x90, msg23);
          held_note = msg2;
    ) : (
      midisend(mpos, msg1, msg23); // passthru non notes