Automation to CC
desc: JDA MIDI to CC
//tags: MIDI processing routing
slider2:1<0,127,1>CC number
slider3:0<0,127,1>CC value
last = slider3;
chan = slider1 - 1;
cc = slider2;
new = slider3;
(new != last ? (
last = new;
msg1 = 0xB0 | chan;
msg2 = cc;
msg3 = new;
msg23 = (msg3*256)|msg2;
Velocity To Modwheel
desc:Chalisque MIDI velocity to Modwheel
//tags: MIDI processing
// mod wheel is cc1
// so when we receive a noteon,
// echo the noteon to output,
// either echoing the velocity value, or setting
// it to a standard value
// rather than use controls
// I prefer to have multiple scripts
// so the only controls are the ones I want to automate
while (
midirecv(mpos,msg1,msg23) ? (
// message type
m=msg1&240; // picks out the high nibble (the F in 0xFE)
// channel
c=msg1&15; // picks out the low nibble (the E in 0xFE)
// velocity
// midi pitch
// is it a note on (note on with vel=0 is note off)
m == 9*16 && vel > 0 ? (
// note on event
// we want to change the message from
// 9XYYZZ (note on, where X is channel, YY is pitch, ZZ velocity)
// to
// BX01ZZ (cc, X is channel, 1 is modwheel, ZZ value)
ccmsg1=0xB0|c; // construct first byte
ccmsg23=(msg23&0xff00)|1; // construct last 2 bytes
midisend(mpos,msg1,msg23); // echo note on
midisend(mpos,0xB0|c,ccval); // output modwheel
) : (
midisend(mpos,msg1,msg23); // passthru