media/vlc/ VlcHttpInterface


Enable via preferences (show all). When logging in from a browser, leave the user field blank and just enter the password. You can specify the port and password via the --http-port and --http-password arguments.

Default http port

Windows: in %appdata%/vlc edit vlcrc, if necessary uncomment the http-port line and set it accordingly:


Convenience scripts

Php and Chrome

For convenience, I setup a 'search engine' in Chrome so that vl hostname/port expands to http://my-pi/vlc/host/port which, in turn, is serviced by the following php:

function vlc_redirect($host,$port) {
  $url = "http://:CorrectHorseBatteryStaple@$host:$port/";
  #echo "Redirect: $url\n";
  header('Location: '.$url);
function get_port($a) {
  $n = intval($a);
  if( $n < 1024 ) {
    $n += 8000;
  return $n;
function get_host($host) {
  global $hosts;
  if( array_key_exists($host,$hosts) ) {
    return $hosts[$host];
  } else {
    return $host;
$hostre = "[a-zA-Z0-9]+";
$hosts = [ "lh" => "localhost", "t" => "randomturnip", "b" => "bumblesnarf" ]; # shorthands for common host names
if( preg_match("@^/vlc/($hostre)/(\d+)$@",$a,$m) ) {
  $host = get_host($m[1]);
  $port = get_port($m[2]);
} else if( preg_match("@^/vlc/(\d+)$@",$a,$m) ) {
  $host = "localhost";
  $port = get_port($m[1]);
  #echo "$host $port";
} else if(preg_match("@^/($hostre)/(\d+)$@",$a,$m)) {
  $host = get_host($m[1]);
  $port = get_port($m[2]);
} else {
  echo "invalid port: use http://my-pi/\$vlc_host/\$port_no<br/>
    or http://my-pi/vlc/\$vlc_host/\$port_no\n";

and the following .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^vlc/.* vlc_host_login.php [L]

Telnet and Expect

I have Cygwin installed, and expect installed. Then I have the following expect and Python scripts.

Use via tvlc hostname portoffset e.g. tvlc t410 3 for e.g. port 7003 (I put all my vlc instances in the range 7000...7199).

set timeout 5

set host "[lindex $argv 0]"
set tport "[lindex $argv 1]"
puts "tport '$tport'"
if { $tport == "" } {
  set tport 0
set port "[expr 7000 + $tport]"
set password "tree"

spawn telnet $host $port
expect "Password:"
send "$password\r"

expect "Welcome, Master"


Use via tvlcmd hostname portoffset "command 1 with args" "command 2 with args" where each argument is one line of input for the telnet session.

from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE
import sys
import os
import time
import tempfile
import platform

if platform.system() == "Darwin":
  telnet = "gtelnet"
  telnet = "telnet"

a = r"""set timeout 5

set host "[lindex $argv 0]"
set tport "[lindex $argv 1]"
puts "tport '$tport'"
if { $tport == "" } {
  set tport 0
set port "[expr 7000 + $tport]"
set password "tree"

spawn TELNET $host $port
expect {
  timeout { puts "timeout pw" ; exit 1 }
send "$password\r"

expect {
  timeout { puts "timeout welcome" ; exit 1 }
  "Welcome, Master"

expect {
  timeout { puts "timeout prompt" ; exit 1 }
  "> "

expect {
  timeout { puts "timeout prompt" ; exit 1 }
  "> "

# shorthands so we can write e.g. "tvlcmd b 10 pause" rather than "tvlcmd boink 10 pause"
d = {
  ".": "localhost",
  "lh": "localhost",
  "b": "boink",
  "s": "snarf",
  "f2": "frodo2",
  "f3": "frodo3"

args = sys.argv[1:]
  if len(args) == 1:
    host = os.getenv('vlc_host',os.getenv('host','localhost'))
    port = int(os.getenv('rp',os.getenv('port',0)))
  elif len(args) == 2:  
    host = os.getenv('vlc_host',os.getenv('host','localhost'))
    port, *args = args
  elif len(args) == 0:
    raise ValueError()
    host, port, *args = args
except ValueError:
  print(f"{sys.argv[0]} <host> <rport> [<cmds>...]")
  for k,v in d.items():
    print(f"  {k} => {v}")

if host in d:
  host = d[host]

# shorthands so that we can type e.g. "tvlcmd . 10 p" instead of "tvlcmd localhost 10 play"
argm = """
p play
pa pause
pl play
pls playlist
s status
argd = { # shorthands
  k:v for k,v in [x.split(" ",1) for x in argm.splitlines()]
def sh(x):
  if x[0] == 'v' and x[1:].isnumeric():
    x = 'volume '+x[1:]
  elif x[:3] == 'vol' and x[3:].isnumeric():
    x = 'volume '+x[3:]
  elif x[:2] == "vx" and x[2:].isnumeric():
    a = int(x[2:])*(2550/100.0)
    a = int(a)
    x = f'volume {a}'
  elif x[0] == 'g' and x[1:].strip().isnumeric():
    x = 'goto '+x[1:].strip()
  elif x in argd:
    x = argd[x]
  print(f"{y} => {x}")
  return x
args = [sh(arg.replace('"','\"')) for arg in args]
args = [(f"send \"{arg}\\r\"\n"+b if not arg.startswith("sleep ") else arg) for arg in args]
scr="\n".join([a]+args+['puts ""'])
with Popen(["expect","-f","-",host,str(port)],stdin=PIPE) as proc: